API Reference
You can customize the text and messages displayed by the authentication components by providing an AuthLocalization
object to the <AuthUIProvider>
Prop | Type | Default |
account? | string | "Account" |
accounts? | string | "Accounts" |
accountsDescription? | string | "Manage your currently signed in accounts." |
accountsInstructions? | string | "Sign in to an additional account." |
addAccount? | string | "Add Account" |
addPasskey? | string | "Add Passkey" |
alreadyHaveAnAccount? | string | "Already have an account?" |
avatar? | string | "Avatar" |
avatarDescription? | string | "Click on the avatar to upload a custom one from your files." |
avatarInstructions? | string | "An avatar is optional but strongly recommended." |
changePassword? | string | "Change Password" |
changePasswordDescription? | string | "Enter your current password and a new password." |
changePasswordInstructions? | string | "Please use 8 characters at minimum." |
changePasswordSuccess? | string | "Your password has been changed." |
currentPassword? | string | "Current Password" |
currentPasswordPlaceholder? | string | "Current Password" |
currentSession? | string | "Current Session" |
delete? | string | "Delete" |
deleteAccount? | string | "Delete Account" |
deleteAccountDescription? | string | "Permanently remove your account and all of its contents. This action is not reversible, so please continue with caution." |
deleteAccountInstructions? | string | "Please confirm the deletion of your account. This action is not reversible, so please continue with caution." |
deleteAccountEmail? | string | "Please check your email to verify the deletion of your account." |
deleteAccountSuccess? | string | "Your account has been deleted." |
deleteAccountNotFresh? | string | "You must be recently logged in to delete your account." |
disabledCredentialsDescription? | string | "Choose a provider to login to your account" |
dontHaveAnAccount? | string | "Don't have an account?" |
email? | string | "Email" |
emailDescription? | string | "Enter the email address you want to use to log in." |
emailInstructions? | string | "Please use a valid email address." |
emailPlaceholder? | string | "m@example.com" |
emailVerifyChange? | string | "Please check your email to verify the change." |
emailVerification? | string | "Please check your email for the verification link." |
failedToValidate? | string | "Failed to validate" |
forgotPassword? | string | "Forgot Password" |
forgotPasswordAction? | string | "Send reset link" |
forgotPasswordDescription? | string | "Enter your email to reset your password" |
forgotPasswordEmail? | string | "Check your email for the password reset link." |
forgotPasswordLink? | string | "Forgot your password?" |
link? | string | "Link" |
magicLink? | string | "Magic Link" |
magicLinkAction? | string | "Send magic link" |
magicLinkDescription? | string | "Enter your email to receive a magic link" |
magicLinkEmail? | string | "Check your email for the magic link" |
name? | string | "Name" |
nameDescription? | string | "Please enter your full name, or a display name." |
nameInstructions? | string | "Please use 32 characters at maximum." |
namePlaceholder? | string | "Name" |
newPassword? | string | "New Password" |
newPasswordPlaceholder? | string | "New Password" |
passkey? | string | "Passkey" |
passkeys? | string | "Passkeys" |
passkeysDescription? | string | "Manage your passkeys for secure access." |
passkeysInstructions? | string | "Securely access your account without a password." |
password? | string | "Password" |
passwordDescription? | string | "Enter your current password." |
passwordInstructions? | string | "Please use 8 characters at minimum." |
passwordPlaceholder? | string | "Password" |
providers? | string | "Providers" |
providersDescription? | string | "Connect your account with a third-party service." |
providerLinkSuccess? | string | "Provider linked successfully." |
providerUnlinkSuccess? | string | "Provider unlinked successfully." |
providersLoadingError? | string | "Could not load account info" |
rememberMe? | string | "Remember me" |
resendVerificationEmail? | string | "Resend verification email" |
resetPassword? | string | "Reset Password" |
resetPasswordAction? | string | "Save new password" |
resetPasswordDescription? | string | "Enter your new password below" |
resetPasswordInvalidToken? | string | "Invalid reset password link" |
resetPasswordSuccess? | string | "Password reset successfully" |
revoke? | string | "Revoke" |
signIn? | string | "Sign In" |
signInAction? | string | "Login" |
signInDescription? | string | "Enter your email below to login to your account" |
signInUsernameDescription? | string | "Enter your username below to login to your account" |
signInWith? | string | "Sign in with" |
signOut? | string | "Sign Out" |
signUp? | string | "Sign Up" |
signUpAction? | string | "Create an account" |
signUpDescription? | string | "Enter your information to create an account" |
signUpEmail? | string | "Check your email for the verification link." |
sessions? | string | "Sessions" |
sessionsDescription? | string | "Manage your active sessions and revoke access." |
setPassword? | string | "Set Password" |
setPasswordDescription? | string | "You registered with a third-party service. Click the button below to set a password for your account." |
setPasswordEmailSent? | string | "Check your email to set your password." |
settings? | string | "Settings" |
save? | string | "Save" |
security? | string | "Security" |
switchAccount? | string | "Switch Account" |
unlink? | string | "Unlink" |
username? | string | "Username" |
usernameDescription? | string | "Enter the username you want to use to log in." |
usernameInstructions? | string | "Please use 32 characters at maximum." |
usernamePlaceholder? | string | "Username" |
usernameSignInPlaceholder? | string | "Username or email" |
verifyYourEmail? | string | "Verify Your Email" |
verifyYourEmailDescription? | string | "Please verify your email address. Check your inbox for the verification email. If you haven't received the email, click the button below to resend." |