
<SettingsCards />

The <SettingsCards /> component provides a convenient plug-and-play UI for managing user account settings. It includes a comprehensive suite of manageable account settings, such as changing passwords and email addresses, updating avatars, managing linked providers, handling active sessions, and more.

This component automatically leverages all the features you have enabled via the <AuthUIProvider> and provides a seamless user settings UI out of the box.

Settings Cards

Default Settings Page Behavior

By default, the built-in <AuthCard /> component automatically displays <SettingsCards /> when the /auth/settings route is accessed. If you prefer to handle user settings on a custom route or component, you can override this behavior using the settingsUrl prop.

Overriding Built-in SettingsURL

To use your own custom settings route and avoid using the default included settings card, you can specify the settingsUrl prop within your <AuthUIProvider> configuration:

import { AuthUIProvider } from "@daveyplate/better-auth-ui"
import { authClient } from "@/lib/auth-client"
import { useRouter } from "next/navigation"
import Link from "next/link"
export function Providers({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
    const router = useRouter()
    return (
            onSessionChange={() => router.refresh()}
            settingsUrl="/dashboard/settings"  // Your custom settings page URL

By setting the settingsUrl as shown above, the built-in /auth/settings page will also automatically redirect users to your specified /dashboard/settings page.

Using <SettingsCards /> on Your Custom Page

You can then easily utilize the provided <SettingsCards /> component directly in your custom settings route within your app's layout. Here's how you might set up a properly protected custom settings route in your framework of choice:

import { SettingsCards } from "@daveyplate/better-auth-ui"
export default function SettingsPage() {
  return (
    <div className="flex justify-center py-12 px-4">
      <SettingsCards className="max-w-xl" />

This will provide users a customizable, fully-styled settings experience without requiring you to create all components yourself.

Customization Options

You can customize the UI extensively by passing TailwindCSS classes or customizing provided class names through the classNames prop.

Customizing Styles with classNames

Using Tailwind utility classes, you can fully customize all card states. Here’s an example to illustrate significant styling customization:

  className="max-w-xl mx-auto"
    card: {
      base: "border-blue-500",
      header: "bg-blue-50",
      title: "text-blue-600 text-xl",
      description: "text-muted-foreground",
      content: "bg-blue-50",
      footer: "bg-blue-500/5",
      button: "text-white bg-blue-600 hover:bg-blue-700",
      input: "bg-background placeholder:text-muted-foreground/50"

All available settings included in SettingsCards:

  • Avatar (optional, requires avatar upload configured in AuthUIProvider)
  • Name
  • Email
  • Username (requires username plugin)
  • Password (optional, requires credentials to be enabled)
  • Connected Providers (if enabled)
  • Active Sessions
  • Delete Account (optional, requires account deletion configuration)

Custom Additional Fields

The <SettingsCards /> also supports displaying any custom additionalFields you've provided via the settingsFields prop of the <AuthUIProvider>:

    age: {
      label: "Age",
      placeholder: "Your age",
      description: "Please enter your age",
      required: true,
      type: "number",
    newsletter: {
      label: "Receive our newsletter",
      description: "Subscribe to receive newsletters.",
      required: false,
      type: "boolean",
  settingsFields={["age", "newsletter"]}

These fields appear alongside the existing provided setting cards automatically.

On this page